We have classes for all ages and fitness levels. This is a little taste of the types of classes we offer in the pool. We are always staying in the forefront of the latest tried and true fitness methodologies while keeping our feet firmly planted in foundational fitness principles.
Group Exercise Aqua Classes
A specialty class that uses a patented system that tones muscles, builds strength, reduces fat, increases coordination, enhances cardiovascular fitness, increases flexibility & coordination. A very intense class that offers maximum benefits in a short amount of time.
The newest aqua exercise that provides a low impact, high-energy challenge for participants of all ages and fitness levels.
A low intensity water workout designed specifically for those recovering from injuries or surgery, older adults, overweight individuals & those with physical limitations such as arthritis, bursitis, osteoporosis & back problems.
A slightly higher intensity class than HydroFlex. Some mild rebounding is included but not required. Alternative moves are offered. Instructions are given throughout the class.
Muscle Endurance is a “plus” when you take your basic cardio workout to water, and this class is all movement all the time! Consecutive classes may include additional muscle conditioning.
Safe, fun invigorating class. Ideal for all fitness levels. A great cardio-class. Resistance equipment is used but not required.
An exhilarating workout that offers a high intensity cardio workout and light toning. Resistance equipment is used but not required.
Cuffed and Buffed
A terrific resistance class that will increase your strength and muscular definition. You may purchase your own cuffs at the front desk or you may participate without using cuffs.
Adult Lap Swim
All lanes are for lap swimming only and for members 18 and over.
Open Swim
Members may use the pool for swimming, walking, or jogging. Members under 18 must be accompanied by a parent and may only use a lane for lap swimming.
Competitive Lap Swim
An opportunity for serious lap swimmers to work on high intensity interval training with emphasis on speed work & VO2max enhancing.
Independent Exercise
Adults are welcome to use the pool for independent rehabilitation, exercising, walking, jogging, or swimming. Designed for multiple participants, attendance may prohibit lap-style activities. A spirit of respectful cooperation is required. Individuals must be 18 or older to participate.
Lap pool is 75 feet long by 25 feet wide.
35 laps (70 lengths) = 1 mile
For your convenience, our classes are designated by level to assist in choosing the classes best suited for you. If you have any questions, please ask one of our certified group exercise Instructors for assistance.
Level 1 – Entry level classes consisting of exercises performed with little or no impact and a lower intensity level. Detailed instruction given.
Level 2 – Intermediate level classes containing some impact and moderate intensity that participants may adjust based on skill level
Level 3 – Advanced level classes containing high impact and/or above average intensity. For experienced exercisers.