As we begin to emerge from an unplanned hibernation it may seem daunting to restart your fitness routine. How did you spend your COVID hibernation? Did you take advantage of the FitClub virtual programs, discover a new hobby, or create a new goal? Maybe staying home and binge watching your favorite shows or relying on Door Dash for your meals has become your new routine. If it was the latter, you’re not alone. Many of us lost fitness and gained weight during this strange and stressful experience. In fact, the American Psychological Association estimates that up to forty-two percent of Americans gained unwanted weight with an average gain of twenty-nine pounds! Fortunately, it appears that the end is in sight and we can move past 2020. Find your workout gear and read on for tips to restart or level up your fitness routine.
1. Let go of the guilt. If you’re holding on to guilt or anxiety about the fitness you’ve lost or the weight you’ve gained, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Instead of comparing your current body to the one you may have had in February 2020, start focusing on where you are now. Everyone experiences ups and down in their physical fitness and health. Let this be a dip and begin looking forward to experiencing another peak.
2. Start slowly. Trying to pick up where you were before your break may result in an injury, strained muscles, or simple burnout. Start slowly with a workout and consistent routine that you can maintain. FitClub group exercise classes are easily modifiable for every fitness level and type. Working with a personal trainer may also help you achieve sustainable results, build back your fitness, and maintain a healthy body and attitude while you emerge from your hibernation.
3. Take advantage of a fresh start. This is a perfect opportunity to reflect on your former fitness experiences and goals and determine what works for you and what makes you feel best. After the incredible year we are emerging from, you might find that you’re interested in learning a new skill or chasing a new fitness goal. You might realize what you really missed from your former experience and what you’re ready to move past. When you walk back into FitClub this summer, try to imagine yourself and FitClub as blank slates. You can try a new form of fitness or take a deep dive into a different fitness goal. You might find that not only is this new skill or routine what your body has been craving, but it might be a breath of fresh air to your mind, too. We are all ready for in person experiences again, and allowing yourself to explore something outside your home might be the call to action your body and goals have been waiting for.
Welcome back to your fitness journey! We’re all in this crazy experience together!