Reevaluating Your Relationship With Your Fitness Routine Might be the Trick
Let’s face it—the world is stressful! Your life is busy and you likely feel that you’re always rushing from one thing to another. Maybe you want to commit to a fitness plan, but you can’t find time in your day to take care of yourself. If only there were more hours in the day, you might think. Good news, FitClub knows what it takes to commit to yourself and your fitness routine without missing out on all of the obligations filling your calendar.
1. Commit to each workout you do have time for. Whether you can find ten minutes or an hour in a day for your workout, fully committing to that time can help you achieve gains without rearranging your entire schedule. Whether it’s bumping up the speed on treadmill intervals or lifting a heavier pair of dumbbells to give your body more work, spend the time in your workout fully committed to challenging yourself to see gains faster and in less time.
2. Get it in your planner. No matter how you schedule your life, you likely have some system that ensures that you don’t miss important meetings or family obligations. Adding yourself to the schedule can open up previously missed opportunities for a workout. If fitness is a priority, you can likely find time somewhere in your day—even if it’s not the same time every day. There are benefits to working out at the same time every day, but if that’s not possible for you, take a long look at your weekly schedule. Perhaps you can spend thirty fewer minutes watching television after work or wake up thirty minutes earlier to fit in your workout at FitClub. Not only does writing down your schedule help you stick to a commitment the way you would any other appointment, but advance planning can also help you foresee and eliminate any obstacles. Maybe you need to take your workout bag to work with you, making a workout on the way home from work easier, or perhaps you need to plan ahead for a shower at FitClub before returning to the office. When it’s an appointment you can plan for, you can anticipate the obstacles that you may face.
3. Have a goal. Maybe your weekly treadmill workout has just lost its appeal or constantly doing the same workout over and over again has become boring for your mind and body. Maybe you want to train for a 5K—and there’s no better place for winter running than on the treadmills at FitClub. Perhaps you want to set a new strength goal for yourself or challenge yourself to try one new workout each week. With so many options on the FitClub group exercise schedule and a wide variety of equipment, any goal can be achieved at FitClub. What goal might motivate you to committing to a training plan instead of just a workout?