Thursday, December 14, 2017 - 17:14
In offices all across the country, colleagues are gathering around far too much food for the annual office holiday potluck. If the very idea of this annual tradition makes your stomach hurt, follow FitClub’s 5 easy tips for finding a way to participate without derailing your healthy attitude.

  1. One plate, one trip. If your office starts putting the potluck food out early and leaves it out throughout the day, commit to using only one plate and making only one trip through the line. By committing to one plate and one trip, you can leave room for a small indulgence on your plate, while keeping your portion control in check. The minute you find yourself going back for seconds and thirds, remind yourself that there will be other meals to enjoy. If there’s not room on your plate, you can wait until next year’s potluck.

  2. Divide that plate into thirds. In your mind’s eye, try to see your one plate in thirds designated for complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats. If you can imagine your plate as three separate space holders, you can prepare to give your body what it needs, instead of just what your eyes see first. Looking at your plate as a mechanism for fueling your body may also keep you from loading up on food without any nutritional component at all.

  3. Hydrate all day. Thirst is often misunderstood as hunger. By warding off thirst throughout the day by drinking plenty of water, you can show up at your holiday potluck ready to enjoy your colleagues and a congenial atmosphere, instead of famished and ready to eat. You should also try to avoid sugary drinks throughout the day, which are nothing more than empty calories and a precursor to consuming more sugar.

  4. Fit in a workout before you eat. Starting your morning at FitClub is filled with advantages, but on this day it can be especially important. An early morning workout lifts your spirits, jumpstarts your metabolism, and can help you make better, healthy decisions throughout the day. It’s far more difficult to justify the second helping when you’ve already plowed through a difficult workout. While you’re burning calories at FitClub, remember how much easier it is to consume calories than burn calories and let that help keep you from reaching for seconds.

  5. Eat how you’d like to feel. Staying committed to a healthy lifestyle can be difficult during the holidays, but instead of feeling deprived, try to anticipate how the foods you are about to eat will make you feel. How many servings would you eat if you could know in advance which one will make you feel bloated or uncomfortable for the remainder of your workday? Most people would probably eat less if they anticipated the discomfort before they indulged. Enjoy your one plate of food and your afternoon free of belly bloat, sluggish thinking, and total discomfort.

Do you dread holiday potlucks? What tips do you use to make it through without derailing your healthy goals?