Have you been experiencing trouble sleeping, or unwanted weight gain from being sheltered-in-place during COVID-19? You’re not alone. Many people all over the world are struggling with staying sane and happy while you also stay physically safe from the COVID-19 virus. If you’re tired of being told to clean your house, read a classic novel, or learn a new hobby, FitClub has practical advice that you can use today to make your extra time at home more interesting.
Have you discovered any quirky new hobbies during quarantine? What have you been exploring virtually?
- Create personal space and time for yourself. If you’re still sheltering-in-place with another person or your family, the restless feeling might be a need for alone time, rather than cabin fever. Astronauts that excel in out-of-this-world social isolation recommend treating your home like you might your office. During the course of any workday, even the best coworkers can have you craving quiet time. Retreating to another room in your house, closing the door, and carving out moments, activities, or escapes for only yourself can actually help you feel less alone by helping you appreciate the extra time you have with your immediate family right now. Taking time for yourself is not selfish, even during this unprecedented time, it’s essential!
- In 2015, there were ten scientists living in Antarctica conducting research. With access to the internet and one another, these scientists were voluntarily self-isolating before we coined the term in 2020. In an interview at the time, the scientists reported that they made use of their station’s gym and video room, as well as communicating with the outside world via Skype. Sound familiar? Fortunately, in 2020, we have a FitClub app that can keep us all physically strong, mentally healthy, and socially connected while we continue to socially distance.
- Historically, some people have been able to thrive in social isolation. Shakespeare created “King Lear” during the plague in the early 17thcentury. Isaac Newton developed the theory of gravity in quarantine. The famous painting, “the Scream” was created by painter Edvard Much during the Spanish Flu epidemic in the early 20thcentury. Maybe none of these activities or masterpieces personally resonate with you, but what might you be able to do with this new, forced free time? Could you remodel a room, learn to cook, or virtually study up on a hobby that you’ve been considering? What connects these famous masters is that they allowed themselves to indulge in whatever their particular passions might have been at the time. In a world free of time constraints, a social activities, and day-to-day distractions, they created their best work. There may never be another time (hopefully, not for many years, at least) when we have as much free time to develop a passion or cultivate an interest. Continuing to take advantage of this time may be the best decision you ever make.
Have you discovered any quirky new hobbies during quarantine? What have you been exploring virtually?