Researchers have determined that most New Year’s Resolutions will fail on January 19, 2020. The researchers are so certain that it’s even been called “Quitter’s Day”. Not this year, not for FitClub members. This year, we can go into 2020 stronger and more determined than ever to see our resolutions through.
This year, we can beat Quitter’s Day by celebrating our continued healthier, happier, fitter lifestyles and resolutions together on January 20, 2020! What’s your plan for success?
- Is your resolution measurable? Many people make abstract New Year’s Resolutions like “workout more” or “lose weight”. While these are certainly healthy resolutions, how do you measure “more”? Science suggests that the more measurable a goal, the more likely you are to achieve success. You can’t track what you can’t measure. Instead, a specific goal might be to try one new group exercise class at FitClubeach week. This goal is certainly measurable and with FitClub’s varied group exercise schedule, it’s easy to fit into an already busy schedule.
- Have you eliminated excuses? Perhaps your resolution this year is to exercise in the morning before your schedule gets out of hand. In order to make that resolution stick, you can get ahead start by eliminating the morning excuses. Don’t just lay out your workout clothes the night before, but actually put the clothes by your bed or even by the coffee pot in the kitchen. It may be too easy to skip a workout if you can’t find what you need when you need it. Taking even just a few minutes the night before to prepare yourself for the morning workout can establish an environment of success immune to excuses.
- Have you visualized what or who you want to be on December 31, 2020? The day to day chore of chasing our resolutions often leads us to procrastinate. It can be hard to visualize how one workout on January 19, 2020 can help us achieve anything that is still a year into the future. Even professional athletes visualize the anticipated outcome before lacing up for practice. At this time next year, what or who will you be if you hold fast to your goals? Will you be a marathoner or tri-athlete at the end of the year? Will you be a swimmer, a weight lifter, fitter? Knowing what your next New Year’s Eve might look like if you stay true to your goals this year can help make sense of every workout you need to get there.
- Do you have a plan to battle perfectionism? Too often perfect becomes the enemy of good and we find ourselves believing that if a workout can’t be perfect it’s better to skip it completely. Every healthy decision you make adds up to a healthier lifestyle. On days when you only have twenty minutes, make that twenty minute workout count and celebrate the fact that you didn’t let the lack of perfection become an excuse.
This year, we can beat Quitter’s Day by celebrating our continued healthier, happier, fitter lifestyles and resolutions together on January 20, 2020! What’s your plan for success?