Over the course of the next few days we will slip into the holiday season. Free time will be a thing of the past, the temperatures will drop, and we will be tempted with holiday treats at every office, home, and event we attend. How can any of us stay sane during the holiday madness that descends this time of year? With a few easy steps, FitClub can help keep you sane and healthy this holiday season.
- It’s okay to say no. Of course there are certain holiday events that you do have to attend. You might have an office Christmas party or a family obligation that cannot be missed. There are others, though, that might be on your calendar that can be considered optional in the interest of saving your sanity and your health. It’s completely okay to say “no” to activities, events, and outings that don’t excite you. Saying “no” to events that don’t provoke a positive feeling can give you back the downtime you need in your schedule to focus on self care or prioritize your workout. Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean you have to say “yes” to every invitation.
- What you eat is entirely up to you. Just knowing that even during the busiest time of the year we have complete control of our food choices can improve mental wellbeing. There will be plenty of temptations offered at holiday parties for the next month, but you are the only one that can decide what and how much you will eat and drink. Making a commitment now to continue to focus on your health and physical fitness can make it easier to turn down the fruitcake that is desirable only because it’s the holidays. Unless it’s a favorite, once-a-year treat, resist the temptation and stay on your healthy eating plan. If you’re truly worried that no healthy options will be offered at your next event, volunteer to bring the veggie tray or a big green salad to share. Knowing in advance that your nutritional needs will be taken care of eliminates unnecessary holiday stress.
- Don’t skimp on sleep. With all of the tempting offers available right now, late night shopping hours and holiday preparation, it can be easy to stay up too late to accomplish a lengthy to do list. This year, commit to prioritizing your seven to nine hours of sleep so that you can be your healthiest, sanest self this holiday season. Not only are you protecting your mental health by ensuring that you get enough sleep each night, but you’re also boosting your immune system at the peak of flu and cold season.
- Don’t forget your workout. Yes, FitClub does have Thanksgiving hours! Make time for yourself this Thanksgiving with some much needed alone time and a healthy workout before the big feast and family celebration. FitClub South is open from 7AM to 1PM on Thanksgiving, FitClub West is open until 1:00PM and FitClub North is open twenty-four hours on Thanksgiving!