Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 14:56
Whether you’re naturally a morning person or not, a healthy morning routine can change the way you feel physically and mentally all day long.  Ultimately, a healthy lifestyle is made one healthy decision at a time and those first opportunities for success come before the sun even rises. Even if you hate mornings, FitClub has five ways you can improve your health before noon every day.

  • Eliminate decisions. Most of us aren’t prepared to make decisions until we are fully awake.  Smoothie or donut?  Early FitClub class or an extra hour of sleep?  Making the decisions before you wake up can eliminate the temptation to make an unhealthy decision when you’re groggy.  Decide tonight how you’ll start your day tomorrow and stick to it for a better, healthier morning.

  • Create a morning routine that works for you. Your social media pages may be filled with people telling you about their perfect morning routines. The only perfect morning routine, though, is the one that works for you and that feels good to you.  For some people, extra sleep is critical to a successful day. For others, a morning exercise class is a better wakeup.  All you need to start creating a morning routine is a consistent wake up time that feels right to your body, a healthy breakfast that includes healthy fat and protein, and a small amount of time to reflect on the day ahead and set your priorities. Everything else you have to do in the morning to prepare for your day comes after you have taken those three healthy actions for yourself.

  • Try a morning FitClub group exercise class even if you’re not a morning person. Perhaps, even if you’re not a morning person, trying a FitClub morning class may change how you pursue your goals for the rest of the day.  Putting your workout first eliminates any excuse to skip your workout that may pop up later in the day.  A morning workout also helps you get ahead of unhealthy decisions. It’s much less likely you’ll opt for junk food for lunch if you’ve already made an early commitment to your health.

  • Make time for meditation. Taking just five minutes to meditate in the morning helps you clear your head, reduce stress, and focus your mind on accomplishing your goals. Better mental health is essential for better physical health and starting the day with our bodies and mind in sync paves the way for a healthier day.  If you’re new to meditation, drop into FitClub’s meditation class to learn how to start your own meditation practice.

  • Plan your day. Whether you write out every task and break your day into fifteen minute increments or you make a general to do list and keep your day flexible, taking just a few minutes to sort through your tasks allows you to prioritize action items that bring you closer to your goals.  Keeping a to do list frees up mental space for more important tasks and allows you to filter through unnecessary time wasters that keep you from reaching your goals.