Wednesday, October 9, 2019 - 14:02
On days when our lives are perfectly organized, the to do list is effortlessly tackled, and nothing unexpected pops up, it’s easy to get to FitClub for our planned workouts.  How often does that really happen, in reality, though?  Everyday there seems to be at least one thing that makes us feel slightly overwhelmed.  Once that feeling sets in, it can be difficult to stop and too often, it’s the workout that suffers.  If you feel overwhelmed, FitClub has a few hacks that can help you get through and still make time for yourself at FitClub.

  1. Reorder your to do list. If instead of writing down every single thing that you want or should do, try reordering your list in the order of importance.  You might see very quickly that only a few tasks are essential and the rest can easily be relegated to another day.  If your day is overwhelming, cut yourself some slack and do only those things that must be done today.  Keeping your focus on today will free up the time you need to take a deep breath and make time to workout.  Tomorrow is another day with its own unique set of must-do tasks!

  2. Know your limits. It can be very hard to say no, especially to activities you really do enjoy.  When life starts to get overwhelming, simply limiting your “yes’s” to the activities that make you happiest and push you closer to your goals can help create the space you need to live your healthiest life.  When we try to take on every activity or social obligation at once, we are often left feeling that we aren’t doing anything very well.  That may mean saying no to dinner with friends or an extra club or charity, but creating space for yourself can lead to a happier, healthier, fitter to do list.

  3. Let go of the need to be perfect. As the old adage goes, “perfect is the enemy of done.” It’s often unnecessary to perfectly complete a task before you can cross it off your list and move on to what’s next. This applies even to your workouts. For example, when you only have thirty minutes you can do a thirty minute workout. It doesn’t have to be sixty minutes or the most intense workout of your life to be productive and healthy. Waiting until something is perfect before you consider it done may be a bad habit or a sign of deep rooted perfectionism.  Challenging yourself to just finish a task can free up a tremendous amount of time that you can better spend taking care of yourself, your family, or your friends.

  4. Get some sleep. There’s almost nothing that sleep can’t help you resolve.  Making time in your busy schedule for seven to nine hours of healthy, quality sleep can help you develop a healthy perspective about the overwhelming amount on your to do list.  If you have to let something go, make sure it’s not your sleep!

Does an overwhelming to do list keep you from your fitness goals?  What have you done to calm the madness and fit in your fitness?