Thursday, August 1, 2019 - 17:14
At FitClub we talk a lot about setting goals and achieving those goals through dedication, accountability to yourself, and consistency.  But what happens when you don’t meet your goals?  What happens when things don’t go as planned and you find yourself disappointed either in your efforts or lack thereof?  Can experiencing disappointment be a teachable moment that can move you forward?

  1. What went wrong? If you fall short of your goal you immediately have two choices.  You can assume that you’re never going to find success and achieve your goal or you can ask yourself what went wrong.  By simply asking yourself to honesty evaluate why you failed to meet your goal, you can begin to reassess and prepare to begin again.  We all have set backs and disappointments from time to time, but if we don’t stop to evaluate why we didn’t succeed we may not experience the joy of finding success.  Did you miss too many workouts?  Were you eating properly to fuel your goal and your workout?  You might find there are several simple course corrections you can take to reframe your goal and improve your odds of crushing it.

  2. Is this what you want? Sometimes we fail to achieve our goals because it’s not really what we want.  Maybe we agreed to share a goal with a friend, but we didn’t feel any personal investment or motivation.  Maybe the goal was too small and we didn’t feel that sense of inspiration that we need to stay dedicated for the long term.  Whatever it is, you don’t have to stay bound to a goal that no longer speaks to you.  Instead, take advantage of the wide array of FitClub’s healthy options and experiment with other forms of physical activity and healthy living that might work better for you.  You’re not going to love your workout every single day, but don’t stay stuck in a rut chasing a goal that doesn’t make you happy.

  3. Do you know how to achieve your goal? Healthy lifestyle changes can be very difficult and if you’re not completely sure how to reach your goal, it may be a good idea to work with a personal trainer.  If your goal is to lose weight and build lean muscle, for example, a personal trainer can teach you how to safely use the equipment and do the moves that will get you there.  Maybe you need some help sorting through your diet and learning how to properly fuel yourself for better results, or maybe you need to step on FitClub’s In-Body Assessment to discover what goals would work best for your body.  We’re not all experts on physical fitness, but we all do have access to experts at FitClub.  Take advantage of the experts available to you and eliminate the guesswork. Just knowing what to do to reach your goals can be the biggest step in the right direction.

Have you ever failed at a goal?  What worked for you when you needed to reassess and begin again?