Food can be as effective as medicine in treating your chronic aches, pains, and even stressors. Instead of reaching for the comfort food the next time you’re feeling out of sorts, there might be a healthy food that can ease your symptoms and lead to a longer, healthier life. FitClub has three basic tenants of eating healthy that may work to alleviate your discomfort.
The next time you feel yourself feeling unwell or out of sorts, start with asking yourself what you ate and see if you can improve your diet to improve your health.
- What’s in that? The next time you’re grocery shopping really look at the label. Do you know what’s actually in the food that you’re putting in your stomach? Chances are, many of us have no idea how many chemicals, added sugar, and processed fat we actually eat in any given day. It’s entirely possible that there’s a reason your stomach feels off or your anxiety seems higher than usual. If we can’t identify what we are putting in our bodies, it can be impossible to find and remove the source. If you can’t make sense of a nutrition label, odds are that the food you are choosing is too over-processed to be healthy. Better yet, stock up on fruits and vegetables that need no label at all!
- Alleviate stress with a healthier diet. If the holidays have you feeling anxious or frazzled, taking a break from holiday treats may help reduce your chronic stress. Researchers have identified certain foods with proven track records of alleviating stress and anxiety and none are difficult to find! Salmon, for example, contains Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids that regulate your body’s natural production of hormones, including the feel good-hormone, serotonin. Moderate servings of dark chocolate may also help your body improve blood flow and reduce anxiety, as well as producing more natural serotonin. Many researchers believe that many cases of anxiety are generated from an out-of-whack gut biome. Daily servings of yogurt not only add protein to your day, but can also help regulate the probiotics and healthy bacteria already present in your gut. Remember to read the label before you buy the yogurt to ensure that the brand you’re buying contains “live active cultures” and be mindful of added sugar.
- Reduce inflammation throughout your body. Inflammation occurs naturally in your body when you’re immune system is engaged or your body needs to repair a wound. Chronic inflammation, though, can result in feeling more tired than usual, general pain throughout your body in your joints or abdomen, and even reduced immune system function. Fortunately, there are many conveniently available foods that can reduce inflammation in your body, helping you feel better immediately and stay healthier longer. Salmon is again at the top of the list which also includes, tomatoes, olive oil, and vegetables as the top fighting anti-inflammatory foods. Maybe you’re already picturing a healthy salmon salad topped with a bit of olive oil for a weekend treat! By contrast, if your diet is heavy in fried foods, soda, and red meat that general discomfort you feel may be a result of your high-inflammation diet.
The next time you feel yourself feeling unwell or out of sorts, start with asking yourself what you ate and see if you can improve your diet to improve your health.