From time to time, any one of us may find that we are not quite as happy as we’d like. While depression may require medical intervention, minor discontent may ultimately be improved by making a decision to be happier. If it sounds too easy or too good to be true, read on for FitClub’s advice on deciding to make yourself happier.
1. Know what happiness is—and what it is not. Beginning in 1990, psychologists began studying the science of happiness. A key element in determining how a person can become happy is defining what happy means. Researchers agree that happiness is a state of being, rather than a mood or emotion, that indicates a person’s sense of overall contentment. A happy person still experiences discomfort, loss, grief, and challenging times. What sets a happy person apart, though, is the willingness to engage in the pursuit of contentment rather than live in the angst of a difficult experience.
2. Connect with others. Social interaction is a key contributor to the level of a person’s happiness. It is, of course, difficult to maintain the social interaction you may have enjoyed pre-pandemic, but opportunities abound for social interaction. Even with physical distancing guidelines in place, you can still choose to surround yourself (even remotely) with happy people. Interacting with happy people increases your own likelihood of attaining happiness. Think about the people that you see at FitClub. The personal trainers are engaged in helping people live better, healthier, longer lives and it shows in their attitudes. Surrounding yourself with people experiencing endorphins, runners high, and the satisfaction of pursuing a fitness goal can give you a boost that can last all day.
3. Practice meditation. While part of our happiness-makeup is attributed to genetics, researchers estimate that you can improve your natural happiness set-point through meditation. Not only does meditation act in a way that calms you when you’re stressed, researchers have found that it actually shifts your brain activity from the portion of the brain charged with depression and worry to a lobe associated with happiness and joy. Whether you’re experienced in meditation or interested in starting, FitClub can help! FitClub has a meditation class and meditations on the FitClub app that can set you on the path to consistent happiness.
4. Say “no” more often. How many items on your to-do list today do you really want to do? Probably very few! Look a second time at your to-do list and allow yourself to say “no” to anything that doesn’t absolutely have to be done today. There will always be obligations that we’d rather not do, but you may find that other items can wait or even be removed entirely. Prioritizing your happiness means creating room for doing what you want to do, rather than what you have to do. Why not start now by simply saying “no” to the tasks that take time away from pursuing happiness?
Are you a generally happy person? What has helped you in your pursuit of happiness?
1. Know what happiness is—and what it is not. Beginning in 1990, psychologists began studying the science of happiness. A key element in determining how a person can become happy is defining what happy means. Researchers agree that happiness is a state of being, rather than a mood or emotion, that indicates a person’s sense of overall contentment. A happy person still experiences discomfort, loss, grief, and challenging times. What sets a happy person apart, though, is the willingness to engage in the pursuit of contentment rather than live in the angst of a difficult experience.
2. Connect with others. Social interaction is a key contributor to the level of a person’s happiness. It is, of course, difficult to maintain the social interaction you may have enjoyed pre-pandemic, but opportunities abound for social interaction. Even with physical distancing guidelines in place, you can still choose to surround yourself (even remotely) with happy people. Interacting with happy people increases your own likelihood of attaining happiness. Think about the people that you see at FitClub. The personal trainers are engaged in helping people live better, healthier, longer lives and it shows in their attitudes. Surrounding yourself with people experiencing endorphins, runners high, and the satisfaction of pursuing a fitness goal can give you a boost that can last all day.
3. Practice meditation. While part of our happiness-makeup is attributed to genetics, researchers estimate that you can improve your natural happiness set-point through meditation. Not only does meditation act in a way that calms you when you’re stressed, researchers have found that it actually shifts your brain activity from the portion of the brain charged with depression and worry to a lobe associated with happiness and joy. Whether you’re experienced in meditation or interested in starting, FitClub can help! FitClub has a meditation class and meditations on the FitClub app that can set you on the path to consistent happiness.
4. Say “no” more often. How many items on your to-do list today do you really want to do? Probably very few! Look a second time at your to-do list and allow yourself to say “no” to anything that doesn’t absolutely have to be done today. There will always be obligations that we’d rather not do, but you may find that other items can wait or even be removed entirely. Prioritizing your happiness means creating room for doing what you want to do, rather than what you have to do. Why not start now by simply saying “no” to the tasks that take time away from pursuing happiness?
Are you a generally happy person? What has helped you in your pursuit of happiness?