You may not always have thirty to sixty minutes for an intense workout. Maybe your workday runs late, or your family obligations keep you from a full body sweat-session. On those days when you only have minutes, instead of hours, to focus on your fitness goals, there are certain moves that you should prioritize to get the most out of your mini-workout. FitClub knows that time is valuable and often in short supply. Before you skip another workout because you’re short on time, throw these moves into the mix and feel fitter every day.
What is your go-to routine when you’re short on time and in need of a workout? Check out the FitClub app or head to FitClub’s outside workout zones when you need to run through a quick, mini workout for your physical and mental health!
- Maximize your efforts with a circuit training workout. Just because you’re short on time doesn’t mean that you can’t fit in a total body workout. Using body weight or a pair of free weights at FitClub, you can put together a series of three to four moves that allow you to work major muscle groups for maximum effect in little time. To get the most out of your circuit training workout, add weight to your moves. For example, if your circuit workout includes lunges, add a pair of dumbbells to increase your heart rate for an added calorie burn.
- Up the intensity with a HIIT workout. Even if you’re short on time, you can burn major calories and increase your lean muscle mass with a twenty-minute high intensity interval training workout. When you’re short on time, it’s important to work as hard as possible in short bursts of energy. A short, HIIT workout performed with maximum effort can be more effective than a long, moderate aerobic session. HIIT works both your cardiovascular system (calorie burn) and your muscles (strength gains) by pushing your effort, not your time. To make HIIT workouts work for you, choose three or four of your favorite heart pumping moves (pushups, squats, burpees), and put together a routine that requires you to go all out for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and go hard again for 20 seconds. Using full body moves that incorporate multiple muscle groups will help you get fitter, stronger, and leaner in short workouts.
- Less time, more effort. When you only have twenty minutes and you know you need your go-to cardio move, up the effort when you reduce the time. Maybe you prefer a sixty-minute walk, run or bike ride, but when time is slipping away from you, go harder not longer. You can throw in sprints, add hills, or just keep a quicker pace as you power through your cardio session for the day. A twenty-minute workout can be added to any part of your day when you need a quick calorie burn and a mental health break.
What is your go-to routine when you’re short on time and in need of a workout? Check out the FitClub app or head to FitClub’s outside workout zones when you need to run through a quick, mini workout for your physical and mental health!