Tuesday, January 2, 2018 - 15:13
New Year’s Day is the symbolic start of a fresh approach, a new way of life, and a brand new chance at better health. The way you approach the first few days of the new year can set the stage for twelve months of motivation and inspiration. FitClub has everything you need to make this the best, healthiest year yet!

  1. Don’t overwhelm your mind or body. Deciding to get healthier and fitter in the new year is the most important resolution you can make for yourself and your family, but choosing how you will accomplish your goal can be intimidating. Instead of thinking about the next 365 days, make a plan for today. What will you do at FitClub today to get started? Will you try a group exercise class, use the cardio machines, or go for a swim? Thinking about twelve months of workouts can leave you exhausted and discouraged. Instead, try just thinking about today. And then do that again tomorrow!

  2. Ask for help. FitClub’s vast array of options may leave you with many questions. Whether you just need help getting started or you want help learning how to use a new machine, checking in with a personal trainer can put you on the right path. A personal trainer at FitClub can answer your questions, teach you proper form and help you avoid injury and burnout. If you’re going to commit this year, working with a personal trainer is a great way to get information and commit to the process.

  3. Education is key. FitClub is more than just the place where you can use gym machines and join group exercise classes. FitClub routinely has free workshops and seminars to provide information on a range of topics from nutrition, to diabetes, to better sleep. Follow the FitClub Facebook page to see when workshops that interest you are available. The more you know about your health, mind, and body, the easier it is to stay motivated throughout the year.

  4. Plan healthy rewards. Don’t wait until next New Year’s Eve to reward yourself for staying committed to your resolution. Even just promising yourself five minutes in the sauna or hot tub, scheduling a FitClub massage, or making time for yourself in a meditation class are perfect, daily rewards you can use to celebrate your effort throughout the week.

  5. Measure progress your way. Whether your goal is to lose weight, feel better in your own skin, or to improve your cardiovascular health, progress is personal. Measure, weigh, or mentally check in with yourself on a regular basis to see how you feel and determine whether you are making progress. Your body and your health are unique and comparing yourself to anyone else is ineffective. Sometimes, especially at the beginning, you have to seek out signs of progress. Keeping a journal of your workouts, your endurance, and how you’re feeling will keep you inspired to keep pushing yourself throughout the year.