Tuesday, July 16, 2019 - 14:35
Whether you aren’t seeing the results you expected or you just don’t know where to begin, hiring a personal trainer can help you make progress in a safe and practical way.  FitClub has the answers to common questions you might be asking yourself before you commit to your health and wellness and begin working with a personal trainer.

  • What if I can’t? Isn’t that the first question that holds all of us back? What if I can’t do a move, run a sprint, lift a heavy weight?  The true advantage of working with a personal trainer is starting where you are right now on your individual fitness journey.  There may be some moves you haven’t mastered, yet, but a personal trainer will meet you where you are and safely push you out of your comfort zone.

  • Can I afford the expense? Hiring a personal trainer is a financial investment in your own health.  Making an appointment and sticking to a schedule that involves someone else can help you increase your accountability and show up for your workouts.  Research also indicates that the cost of an unhealthy lifestyle really adds up over time.  By improving your health, you may miss less time from work, spend less money on junk food or takeout, and spend less money on doctor visits each year. By investing in your health today, you may save yourself a great deal of money over the course of your lifetime.

  • What if I like what I’m doing now? Sooner or later, many of us fall into the trap of our own routines.  We might know how to use a few machines at FitClub or have a favorite group exercise class that we make time for often.  When your routine becomes stale, though, your body and mind plateau keeping you from progress.  A personal trainer can introduce you to new techniques, equipment, and moves that you might love that might reward you with the progress you’ve craved.  Stepping outside of your comfort zone is truly the only way to make progress!

  • How will I find the time? Finding the time might be much easier if you have someone to keep you accountable. You’ll likely be surprised how easy it is to keep your appointments when they have been scheduled in advance and someone else is depending on you to show up. Treating your scheduled workouts like any other non-negotiable item on your calendar will help you avoid the excuses or last minute obligations that too often keep you from your planned workout.

Ready to start working with a personal trainer?  Making the commitment to work with a professional might be the best decision you ever make for yourself and your healthy lifestyle!  Ask at the front desk of FitClub for more information and enjoy the process!

Do you workout out with a personal trainer?  What advice would you give a rookie?