It may not come as a surprise to you that January is considered by psychologists to be the most depressing month of the year. December’s Christmas decorations and anticipation have been replaced with gray dull days, unpredictable weather, and cabin fever. There are biological reasons that you may experience bouts of depression in January. FitClub has a few tricks you can try this year to make it a more pleasant month.
What tricks do you use to get through January happier and healthier than before?
- Learn a new skill. The reality is that the post-Christmas month of January is boring. Everyone spends too much time inside avoiding the winter weather and the social blur of December is just a memory. With too much time on your hands, depression and anxiety have time to move freely inside your brain. This year, keep your brain and body busy by learning a new skill that makes you healthier. At FitClub, you can easily find a group exercise class, swim lesson, or work with a personal trainer to pick up a new skill or hobby that can make you healthier and happier while also giving you something on your calendar to look forward to doing.
- Be nicer. Expressing gratitude and kindness not only makes you happier, but it can also make others around you happier. Researchers believe that expressing gratitude and kindness trigger the release of dopamine throughout the body. Dopamine is the hormone that makes you happier and alleviates depression. As you focus on spreading gratitude and kindness around this month, don’t forget to be kinder to yourself and practice more frequent self-care. Learn to meditate (FitClub has a meditation class!), practice deep breathing in a yoga class, or develop a pre- or post-workout ritual that makes your mind as happy as the workout makes your body.
- Eat food that fuels you. When our minds are struggling with depression and anxiety it can be difficult to make healthy food choices. This is exactly the time of year, though, that what you eat matters most. Filling yourself up with healthy choices that satisfy your body without adding unwanted pounds can leave you finishing January 2020 with a healthier mind and no post-holiday weight gain. You can use the time you’re spending inside avoiding the cold to learn to cook, prepare healthy meals and experiment with herbs and spices. This would be a good time of year to gather friends and family for a healthy, home cooked meal to celebrate the end of the holiday season.
- Be patient. New Year’s resolutions often bring up feelings of guilt and impatience. Perhaps you’ve already missed a scheduled workout, eaten an unhealthy meal, or you’re not seeing the results you thought would happen quickly. Whatever you’re beating yourself up for is only holding you back and making you unhappy. This would be a great time to develop the skill of patience with yourself and those around you.
What tricks do you use to get through January happier and healthier than before?