Whether you spent the last several months curled up on the couch or working on your fitness plan with the FitClub app, FitClub is ready to welcome you back! No matter how you spent the last several months, you can easily jump right back into your fitness routine and implement FitClub’s tips for returning to total wellness!
1. Reconsider why you started. Over the course of the last several months, many of us having been thinking more about our health and wellness. Perhaps you faced challenges dealing with stress or had trouble finding the motivation to fit in a workout. How you handled the last few months may cause you to reconsider your “why” when it comes to your fitness goals. Did you find yourself eating or sleeping poorly? Was your stress level significantly higher than usual? Everyone responds to unprecedented events differently. By recognizing how you responded and how you might like to respond, you can come to terms with your own motivation for wanting to live a healthier lifestyle.
2. Ease back into a challenging regimen. If, during the shutdown, you weren’t challenging yourself as much as your trainer or favorite group exercise class generally challenges you, you might need to ease back into fitness for a few days before you ramp up. By taking the time to properly warm up, cool down and stretch, you can quickly make up for lost time without injury or extreme muscle soreness. The most important thing is that you get started again sooner rather than later. Don’t let your fitness wait another day!
3. Practice healthy habits. As FitClub reopens, it’s more important than ever that we all commit to promoting healthy habits and exceptional personal hygiene. We have laid out the details of what FitClub and its staff are doing to keep us all safe and healthy, but you have a role to play too. As much as we all want to get back into shape and put the last several months behind us, please do stay home if you feel unwell. While at FitClub, please be courteous of other members and mindful about social distancing, hand washing, and thoroughly cleaning any used equipment between use. As FitClub members, we’ve always known that we are all on this journey together, but now more than ever we need to take care of ourselves and each other. To better understand what FitClub is doing to keep its clubs open and safe, check out the FitClub phase 4 information page!
4. Take time to care for your mental health. There are many challenges that we’re all facing right now. In addition to your physical health, be sure to take care of your mental health. If you’re new to meditation, FitClub’s meditation class is a great, healthy way to protect yourself from stress and negativity while you live your happiest, healthiest life!
How are you approaching your fitness now that FitClub is reopened? Share your experiences with us in the comments.
1. Reconsider why you started. Over the course of the last several months, many of us having been thinking more about our health and wellness. Perhaps you faced challenges dealing with stress or had trouble finding the motivation to fit in a workout. How you handled the last few months may cause you to reconsider your “why” when it comes to your fitness goals. Did you find yourself eating or sleeping poorly? Was your stress level significantly higher than usual? Everyone responds to unprecedented events differently. By recognizing how you responded and how you might like to respond, you can come to terms with your own motivation for wanting to live a healthier lifestyle.
2. Ease back into a challenging regimen. If, during the shutdown, you weren’t challenging yourself as much as your trainer or favorite group exercise class generally challenges you, you might need to ease back into fitness for a few days before you ramp up. By taking the time to properly warm up, cool down and stretch, you can quickly make up for lost time without injury or extreme muscle soreness. The most important thing is that you get started again sooner rather than later. Don’t let your fitness wait another day!
3. Practice healthy habits. As FitClub reopens, it’s more important than ever that we all commit to promoting healthy habits and exceptional personal hygiene. We have laid out the details of what FitClub and its staff are doing to keep us all safe and healthy, but you have a role to play too. As much as we all want to get back into shape and put the last several months behind us, please do stay home if you feel unwell. While at FitClub, please be courteous of other members and mindful about social distancing, hand washing, and thoroughly cleaning any used equipment between use. As FitClub members, we’ve always known that we are all on this journey together, but now more than ever we need to take care of ourselves and each other. To better understand what FitClub is doing to keep its clubs open and safe, check out the FitClub phase 4 information page!
4. Take time to care for your mental health. There are many challenges that we’re all facing right now. In addition to your physical health, be sure to take care of your mental health. If you’re new to meditation, FitClub’s meditation class is a great, healthy way to protect yourself from stress and negativity while you live your happiest, healthiest life!
How are you approaching your fitness now that FitClub is reopened? Share your experiences with us in the comments.