Tuesday, September 19, 2017 - 14:23
If you’ve been working out consistently and not seeing the progress you had anticipated, it’s time to reevaluate the way you eat. For many people, committing to a consistently healthy and balanced diet can be more difficult than committing to consistent workouts.

  1. Acknowledge your habits. Most people are routine-oriented and likely shop at the
    same grocery store on the same day of each week. You may find that you often wander the aisles of the grocery store, picking up the same foods mindlessly. Before you commit to any radical diet makeovers, acknowledge what habits you have. Do you routinely buy junk food for your pantry? Do you order out every weekend? Have you found that you never remember to buy enough produce to get you through the week? Make a note of how often you’re preparing certain meals and start to think outside the box. By making ourselves aware of our patterns and habits, we can begin to think more creatively and look forward to trying new things.

  2. Commit to one new healthy change at a time. Before you empty out your pantry and freezer and commit to an entirely different diet, just make one change. By simply adding a fruit and vegetable to each dinner or committing to one less meal out each week, you can improve your diet in a slow and sustainable way. Often healthy lifestyle changes don’t stick because it’s intimidating and confusing. You can eliminate the confusion one day at a time, one decision at a time, by committing to just one change that will lead to other healthy changes.

  3. Measure your portion sizes. You might already be stocking up on healthy fruits and vegetables and being mindful of what you eat and when you eat. If you’re ignoring your portion sizes, though, and eating until you’re stuffed, you may be undoing all the good work you’re already doing. When shopping for foods, particularly prepared, boxed, or frozen foods, pay attention to the suggested serving size. You may find that 100 calories of your favorite indulgence is much smaller than the serving you normally scoop out as a post-dinner treat. Use your measuring cups, teaspoons, and opt for smaller plate sizes to ensure that you’re not overeating when you allow for an indulgence or prepare your plate.

  4. Sleep and reduce your stress. Even the best of intentions can easily disappear when you’re exhausted or stressed from a difficult day at the office. By prioritizing quality sleep each night and taking strides to lower your stress through exercise and meditation, you free up the part of your brain that knows instinctively what your body needs to function at its best.

  5. Drink more water. Before you reach for a snack to satisfy what you think is hunger, try drinking a glass of water. What your mind perceives as hunger, may really be boredom or thirst. Just committing to drinking more water than sugary or carbonated beverages may eliminate hundreds of calories from your day with minimal effort. Add ice, lemon wedges, or cucumbers to add flavor and drink your way to better fitness throughout your day.

What’s harder for you, committing to exercise or a healthy diet? It’s much easier to over-consume calories than it is to burn those calories at the end of the day. Being conscious of your diet will allow you to reap the maximum benefit from your FitClub workouts!