When you’ve committed to living a healthier lifestyle, it may be difficult to find balance. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly often conflicts with social obligations, work deadlines, and family matters. How do you make time for yourself, meet your obligations, and
As we reach the midpoint of summer vacation, your kids might be far removed from their consistent, healthy school schedules. It’s easy to let summer creep in and upend all of our healthy routines and goals. Summer is a great time to keep the whole family moving and on track to
From time to time we need a new challenge to spice up our workouts and boost our motivation. We are now half way through the year, and whether you’re sticking to your New Year’s Resolution or you can’t even remember what your resolutions were, summer is a great time to reevaluat
Whether you aren’t seeing the results you expected or you just don’t know where to begin, hiring a personal trainer can help you make progress in a safe and practical way. FitClub has the answers to common questions you might be asking yourself before you commit to your health a
Is good posture a habit or a practice? Does having better posture have health benefits? It may seem like a cliché you heard often in childhood, but the habit of sitting up straight or avoiding a slouch may impact your physical health into adulthood. If your posture needs some
“No” is difficult for most people to say, particularly when you are choosing between family, friends or work obligations and your healthy goals. But if you’re pursuing a challenging fitness goal, using the word “no” more often may help you reach your goal faster. During the sum
We know that variety is the spice of life and that the healthiest diet is one that includes a variety of nutrients, lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. But many of us are also creatures of habit that tend to prepare the same meals on a regular basis. Relying
We tend to think of fall and winter as cold and flu season, but the truth is colds can happen any time of year. No one wants to spend several days of a beautiful summer suffering through sneezing, coughing, and respiratory symptoms. FitClub has the information you need to stay
You might have noticed that babies and animals generally only eat when they are hungry and only until they are no longer hungry. Why, then, do adults tend to overindulge at any given moment? The likely cause is that we have learned certain behaviors that make us think we recogn
If you’ve been avoiding any of FitClub’s group exercise classes because you think it may be too hard, you’re not alone. It’s normal to feel anxiety or even fear when you step outside your comfort zone and try something new and challenging for the first time. Pushing yourself an